
Who is the boss, your ego or your hart?

Who is the boss, your ego or your hart? If we once knew the influence our ego has on ourselves and our lives and what the ego can do for damage, then we would no longer give the ego a chance. It is only so difficult to recognize the ego. For the ego ...

Angel Questions

Angel Questions Will my Angel leave me when I dismiss them? No, Angels will never truly dissapear. Angels are energies of Love, and they understand human emotions. They will never judge us. It's is more difficult however, to get into contact wit...

When you are a problemsolver for others

When you are a problemsolver for others. As a person we want to be there for others, we want to help them during difficult periods. We like to do that, because as a human being we are also taught to stand ready for others and not only that counts. It...

Which psychic to trust

Which psychic to trust, If they are all giving different advice? A lot of customers are asking this question. First you need to look at yourself, what is your intention with your reading. Are you open to hear the truth, how you can work on yourse...

Tarot Card - Death XIII

Tarot Card - Death XIII. There it is, the most feared tarot card ever; the Death card. But the Death card is such a beautiful card. It means the end of a period, and a new beginning. It's a symbolic death and saying goodbye to your old self, it's for...

Tarot Card - The Hermit

This is the Hermit card, number 9 in the Major Arcana. The 9 is the number of completion, for the Wise One. They are old Souls that are always there for other people. They are intuitively strong, and a teacher or mentor to others. The 9 is for consci...

Tarot Card - The Chariot VII

On the card of the Rider Waite tarot you will see a person standing inside a chariot and being dragged by two sphinxes, a black and a white one. He wears armour to protect himself from the outside world. He is sitting under a blue canopy with whit...


Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet. After Jupiter, it's the largest planet, and known for his rings around the planet. His name is derived from the Roman God of agriculture. His colour is yellow and th planet contains many stripes. Saturn has 65 moon...

Angel Card of the week:

Crystal-Clear Intentions Archangel Michael: “Be clear about what you desire, And focus upon it with unwavering faith.” Arlette: Archangel Michael appears today to let you know you can achieve anything with your power of thought. ...

What is the true purpose of soulmates?

Many people think that the true purpose of soulmate is to live happily ever after. Unfortunately it's not always this easy. In the movies soulmate relationships are very romantic. But in reality, it’s working really hard on the relationship. ...

Nurture vs Nature

Both nature and nurture create a psychic. But in a much more complicated way than you might suppose, for nurture is not necessarily the word I would use to describe all legitimate psychic’s upbringings. I realized in my last blog that I’d...

Paid in Full: Mediums

Paid in Full: Mediums, When I was a child, I used to talk to my grandmother every night. She was always wearing a black dress with white flowers printed on it, and glasses covered her wide-set brown eyes, which twinkled merrily down at me more often...
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