Removing The Veil Understanding The Truth About Your Soul

 Removing The Veil Understanding The Truth About Your Soul

Clients often come to me with questions about their soul. Your soul is the highest part of yourself that you can reach for craving the need to transcend and grow. When you begin to yearn for such knowledge, you are ready to begin your journey to learning abut your true soul self.

You are craving knowledge because you seek some form of understanding. Once you gain clarity then you can begin the journey of removing the veil exposing the truth about your soul.

Your soul is immortal it is a part of you which existed before you were born and will exist after you die. Yes, that is correct I did say immortal. Take a little time and just really put some thought into this by doing some research regarding this matter. It does make complete sense.

Personally, as I child I would have dreams which continue to this day that I feel are precious memories from past life experiences. I personally cannot wrap my thoughts around a sensible reason as to why as a child, I would be having such dreams as a child because I had not yet lived enough life to have those type of life experiences.

Then the moments of Deja Vu when you are in a certain place or a particular situation which seems all to similar. Inexplicably you know exactly where you are and where to go you have been here and you know it, you just cannot explain it. A situation arises and you know exactly how to handle it subconsciously. We often ignore this because it is unexplained and we do not want to come across as sounding crazy.

Think about your soulmate experience a love you feel has been eternal and all too familiar with one individual. We all seek out our one true eternal love as if our subconscious knows we are destined to find them with each new life experience.

Now ask yourself do you think it is merely by coincidence?

We are all old soul in our own aspect.

Remove the veil and allow yourself to be introduced to your soul, It is your true unique spiritual essence. Your soul will always provide you with a sense of inner peace as it is your safe haven.

I have based this conclusion on my own personal belief. Many individuals would not agree with me, and why I have stated you must come to terms with your on the personal belief regarding this matter.

Spread Your Wings And Fly

© Spirit Feather

Date: 11-11-'16

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