Journey To Discovering My Dream Catcher

My Journey To Discovering My Dream Catcher

Native Americans for many moons have believed that the night air is taunted with dreams both positive and negative. The dream catcher when swinging freely in the air , above your place of rest, catches the dreams as they flow by. The positive dreams know how to pass through the dream catcher, slipping through the outer holes and slide down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The negative dreams n
ot knowing the way get tangled in the dream catcher and perish with the first light of the new day
My belief is that the dream-catchers serve to catch all negative energies that are present in our space concerning all aspects of our lives. It is most important to come to your own conclusion and belief of this and as long as you believe it is all which matters. I learned this perspective from my own experience.
In 1995 I took a summer trip to Tennessee . It is during this summer my spiritual journey to learning my true spiritual & soul self-began. Deep in the Tennessee mountains, I met an Elder Native American Women named Wild Rose. She spoke softly and her wise words so calming. She said to me, Great Spirit spoke to me about you and I have been eagerly awaiting your visit, you are "Something Special" ~ Spirit Feather ~. From that day forward she always called me by Spirit Feather. I spent all my days that summer with Wild Rose. I shared many of my private thoughts, feelings, and experiences with her. One which as I child I was always haunted by negative dreams which carried over into my early adulthood.

Wild Rose taught me how to make my own dream catcher. and also shared with me the secret on how to make it work for you. The secret is you must make it yourself. While making it you must tell the dream catcher what you need it to do for you. Then simply believe that it will do what you ask of it.
I have made many dream catchers since which hang all over my home. My home and dreams are now completely positive.

© Spirit Feather
Date: 04-11-'16

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