How do you know you're psychic?

How do you know you're psychic?, It's an odd question in the least. But if you are connected to the spiritual realm of the next world and ours, chances are you already know you're different from those around you.
The term psychic can mean a number of things. Some can read people threw the color of their aura or the leafs in their tea. Some have visions of the future, whom are often referred to as philosophers. From communicating with the passed loved ones of our lives to interpreting your dreams. There is a wide range of what a psychic ability can be or mean.
Psychics have been used since the beginning of time to understand the questions of life and the world around them. How many of us have looked for that person to tell us if we will ever be married and find true love or bare our children? So what a blessing it surely is to be one of those people.

There is a town in Florida that is occupied by nothing but psychics called Cassadaga.They have all been drawn there by an unknown reason, some traveling clear across the country and settling at this destination. To me that is just a wonderful sign of how connected we all truly are.

So, how does one know they are psychic? Well first of all, everyone is psychic to some extent. We are born into this world so innocent and ready to embrace life. Children are still free in their own mind and body so they are more prone to receive connections and abilities than that of an adult who overtime has become blocked from those connections from closing their minds, and not being able to be free minded. Like we were when we were younger. So if you are having that thought cross your mind with the hint of any abilities then its simple enough to conclude you have a psychic ability.
Let me reassure you that you are not crazy by any means. When you open yourself up so freely to this universe it is only natural that the universe should open up back to you as well. Your spirit should guide you threw this world and the next. Understand that this is nothing that is to be feared or forgetful of. You were designed to be open minded , spiritual, strong willed, tuned in with everything around you.

You are not getting enough of your life by standing by in fear of what is naturally yours. Your ability is like a plant, the more you nourish it, and care for it the bigger and stronger it grows. It can never die off but it can fade if you choose to ignore it. Either way the choice is yours. Just keep in mind your gift is a blessing and you should not run from it or be ashamed. Embrace your inner self. Embrace your true being. Your ability will only grow if you do. Who knows where that power will lead you? You could become a healer of the heart , a speaker of the future, a connection to the lost, or maybe new Cassadaga resident.

© Spirit Feather
Date: 22-10-'16

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