Dragon Energy, What is it?

Dragon Energy, What is it?
It's an ancient energy, the dragons lived here long before humans. They live in other dimensions, but are also very strongly connected to Mother Earth, ley lines, power grids etc.

People who are clairvoyant, can see the dragon energy.

The Dragon Energy is returning to Earth. They have been abused for a long time, so therefore they don't like to get involved with humans. Since most of them are very selfish.

They only guide and protect the ones they love, the Souls they have met in different life times, and who are psychic and great healers. Who came back to help Mother Earth, just like they do.

They have Free Will, and choose when they will guide, or show themselves to you.

The dragons are not demonic or dangerous, like in fairytales.

They do however connect you to your shadow side, or ego, so you can break through illusions of duality. And heal all trauma from this and your past lives.

The dragon energy helps you to balance and integrate your male- and female energies. So you can finally free yourself from (family) karma.

They are only attracted to pure and old Souls, who have had many lifetimes on Earth, or elsewhere. They recognize their Soul energy.

These pure Souls are often connected to nature spirits, Mother Earth, crystals, gemstones, elementals, fairies etc. Most of them are HSP and Starseeds as well.

They are a guide, but they will never be commanded. They don't respond to ego wishes. And they leave as soon as the ones they guide are asking for personal gain. They will NEVER return.

They cannot be used for black magic or spells. The Dragon Energy however can cleanse and heal the Soul, houses and nature. This is because they are deeply grounded into Mother Earth, and the true ancient magic.

They dissolve duality, and therefore magic or spells don't have any effect on them, or the ones they protect.

The Dragon Energy is powerful, and Source Energy, but also soft, loving and protective. Most people are surprised by their Unconditional Love.

How to invoke the Dragon Energy?
Invoke their energy 3 times. And listen with your heart. They don't use words, like people, or Angels and Spirit Guides. They need you to feel with your heart and learn a new (or actually Ancient way) of listening from the Soul.

It's telepathic communication from a Heart/Soul level.

NEVER share the personal name of your dragon, it contains powerful energies, and it's not meant for everyone, or to be abused (like in the past).

Call upon the Dragon energies for:

- Grounding;
- Getting rid of negatieve energies, around or inside yourself, your loves ones, and your house;
- Letting go of past lives, trauma and (family) karma;
- Getting to know and learn from your ego;
- Connection from Earth to Source;
- Cleansing your emotions;
- Healing your Inner Child;
- No longer feeling like a victim, empowering yourself, and to take responsibility for your own life;
- Connection to Mother Earth, nature spirits, fairies, trees, flowers, crystals etc.;
- To connect yourself to your Highest State of Being; from Source Energy;
- You are your Own Master!

© Medium Arlette
Date: 29-10-'16

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